President greeting

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President greeting

President greeting

Dear KSID members,

Hello everyone,
I am Dongyoun Lee from the Department of Dermatology,
Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul.

I have been elected to serve as the president of the KSID for a term of 2 years starting from April 2023.
KSID was founded in 1991, with the purpose of achieving scientific excellence in dermatological research,
and science communication and supporting the career development of cutaneous biologists from academia and industry, both domestic and overseas.
Based on our past achievements and experience, KSID has made continuous progress in the dermatological field of science.

Since 2016, KSID officially became a regular ISID (International Society for Investigative Dermatology) member, which was founded in 2013 by SID, ESDR, and JSID, and shares the goals and values of ISID. In 2023, KSID participated in the first ISID meeting, which was held in Tokyo with SID, ESDR, JSID, TSID, and ASDR.
As a KSID president, I will do my best to organize the upcoming KSID annual meeting by inviting excellent international and domestic speakers as much as possible for skin research. In addition, I will make an effort to facilitate communications between KSID and other international societies.

KSID’s most anticipated event, the 31st Annual Meeting of the KSID will be taking place in Seoul on March 22-23. 2024. In addition,
the 14th KSID Research Camp will be held in Busan on Nov 3-4, 2023.
I hope to see everyone in future KSID meetings.
Thank you!
  • 06351 서울특별시 강남구 일원로 81 삼성서울병원 피부과
  • E-mail : ksidksid@naver.comTEL : 02-6671-1373
  • Copyright ⓒ 2002 The Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology. All Rights Reserved.