Membership Guide

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Membership Guide

Membership Guide

Types of Members


: A person who engages in the research of dermatology or is interested in the research of dermatology and agrees with the purpose of the conference, shall undergo the prescribed admission procedures, deliberation and recommendation by the Standing Committee.

Division (Members of this Society shall be classified as follows)

  • Regular members: A person who agrees with the purpose of this society as a researcher in dermatology or related fields.
  • Overseas members: A person who is engaged in dermatology or related fields in a foreign country and who agrees with the purpose of this society may become an overseas member.
  • Honorary member: A person who has outstanding achievements in skin science research and has contributed greatly to the development of this society may become an honorary member.
  • Group members: A research institute in favor of the purpose of this conference may become a group member.


: A member shall comply with the rules, regulations, and resolutions of this Society, and full members, foreign members, and organizational members shall be obliged to pay membership fees and other charges. And all members shall have the right to receive an academic journal published by this Association, and full members shall have the right to vote, vote, and other prescribed voting rights.


: A member who fails to comply with the obligations of the plenary session, defames the plenary session, or has not paid membership fees for at least three years without justifiable reasons may be expelled upon resolution by the board of directors.

  • 06351 서울특별시 강남구 일원로 81 삼성서울병원 피부과
  • E-mail : ksidksid@naver.comTEL : 02-6671-1373
  • Copyright ⓒ 2002 The Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology. All Rights Reserved.